I should be folding laundry, but instead I am doing this.....

A laundry room face lift is a project I plan to tackle this fall so it's fun to see the directions that different people (designers mind you) have taken the little utility room with an unlimited budget. Then there is me. My budget is that of a shoe string, we have ugly brown carpet that will be staying put, and 80's style veneer cabinetry. All things a little paint and use of basic textiles should be able to help. Still, I've been staring at photos upon photos trying to come up with a plan that will ensure that our laundry room looks almost as good as these.
Here is what I have come up with:
1. Color scheme. Stick with it.
2. Repetition Repetition Repetition.
3. While things are being washed, keep everything else looking clean and fresh. Maybe extra hard for us in the winter considering our laundry room is also our "mud room"---but after years of apartment living and laundry mat Sunday afternoons, I am thankful thankful thankful.
While on my search I also found this fantastic DIY project created by Centsational Girl. Like Ms. Centsational, I too have craved those fancy lingerie laundry hangers sold at Ballard, but also like to save money. I don't know if I personally have the patience for the project...but the fact that this girl does, inspires me! And now, I feel inspired to go fold the laundry. Sort of.